It’s often said if you want to know what’s really important to someone, look at where they spend their time, money, and energy. The same goes for companies. If you want to know how important company culture is to any given organization, how they spend their time, money, and energy is a great place to start. Building and curating a meaningful company culture takes all three. But it also takes something bigger that can’t be bought. It takes buy in from your team and that has to be earned. Every day, every week, every year.
Think about your present company culture. Do you tell your team that culture is an important part of your organization? And if so, do the time, money, and energy you spend on your company culture match your words and your actions? Trust is wholly built on congruence. People buy in to your vision, your purpose, and your company culture when what you do and what you say match up. When they don’t, you risk losing people forever. Sometimes, they even leave the company.
Add meaning to your culture.
For more than a decade, The LOOMIS Agency was proud to work with an extraordinary bank out of Oklahoma that grew from a small-town bank to one with 80+ locations and more than $10 billion in assets. When asked about the growth, our longtime client would immediately rave about his team at the bank, their hard work, and their commitment to the company’s vision.