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The Voice of the Underdog®
Chapter 1
We asked our team to share their thoughts on the best Super Bowl 50 ads. Wish your challenger brand was on the Super Bowl stage? See our previous post.
My favorite is the Pantene “Strong is Beautiful” campaign. As a Dad with a 5-year-old daughter, I can appreciate the challenge of “getting the ‘do right,” and the huge importance of Daddy-Daughter time. Nice emotional connection to the brand, effective use of NFL players to ramp up the “awww” factor.
– Jim Green, Creative Director
I’m really liking what Hyundai is doing this year, not just for ‘best use of celebrities,’ but for how well they’ve connected the stars with the brand benefit. Whether covering for you in times of distraction (by Ryan Reynolds or anything else) or tracking your car’s location if you’re a hyper-protective father (Kevin Hart), the executions showcase the feature in a memorable and totally appealing way that makes you appreciate what the car can do, and like the brand in the process.
–Kimberly Smith, Creative Director
As the saying goes, nothing sells like puppies and babies. (That’s why Michelin put a baby in a tire way back when.) This Heinz commercials has both puppies and a small child pointing to the stampede and includes a sappy song. That wieners and Heinz can’t live without one another.
– Lynn Fraker, Senior Media Buyer
The Kia Optima commercial is my pick because it appeals to your sense of identity. Nobody wants to be the beige sock person.
– Jacy Cochran, PR Director
We challenge underdog brands to think differently. We help them find their voice, and urge them to blaze new trails to make sure they stand out from the pack. Whether you need an agency of record or support on a project, we are here to help you win.