Julie Ondrusek
As one of the first LOOMIS team members, Julie brings a considerable aptitude for analysis and process engineering to her role as director of client services.
After graduating first in her marketing program with a math minor from Texas Tech University, Julie began her career by conducting customer satisfaction research studies for clients such as AT&T, Texaco, and Checkmate. After joining LOOMIS in 1992, Julie worked to refine the agency’s approach to impact measurement and is credited with the development and implementation of a powerful enterprise work flow and project management system that serves as a point of distinction among the agency peer set. Julie brings an extensive mix of disciplines to every client: strategic planning, media planning and buying, promotions and operations. As director of account service, her responsibilities include account planning, the development and implementation of advertising and marketing plans, as well as the career development for the account service group.
She is the proud mother (and step-mother) of three amazing kids, considers cooking her therapy, and believes travel is a necessity to learn (and get outside one’s bubble). Oh, and hockey is the best sport.