When you’re setting the criteria for your ideal advertising agency, does “wins awards” make the list? For some clients, it’s at the top. Others may not care one way or the other. For those of us in the advertising agency business, such validation by industry peers can be valuable – whether we like to admit it or not.
Winning awards gets agencies noticed.
Let’s be real, everyone likes to win. And creatives seem to hunger for validation more than most. But beyond the ego-boost, awards can give an agency a nice little PR bump. Clients looking for a new agency keep their eyes on the trade feeds and notice if those same names show up on an RFP list.
Plus, winning gives an agency a legit reason to socialize the work – no one will fault you for a humble brag. (At least I hope not since I plan to be doing a little of my own later on in this post.)
Competition is good.
Agencies that enter award shows foster a competitive environment internally. Account teams want to be the ones at the agency whose work gets recognized and knowing the work will be considered for entry is a factor in pushing for the best. At least, that’s the theory.