
Bark Blog

some thoughts
on the ad biz

Check back weekly for our thoughts on the advertising agency biz in general and challenger branding in particular. Or we’ll just send it to you.

January 20, 2016 When to Use Press Releases & Media Advisories

  As the old saying goes, “Advertising is what you pay for; publicity is what you pray for.” News coverage is one place where underdogs…

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July 28, 2011 Who Made French Fries Illegal?

Oh, the plight of the market leader! McDonald’s has been the fast food industry top dog for decades, so they know all too well the…

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November 10, 2011 Who Owns Your Brand’s Soul?

Companies don’t have souls. People do. That’s never clearer than when company leaders step all over their people, intentionally or otherwise. Crushed spirits turn into…

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November 21, 2014 Who’s Ready For Black Friday?

  Well, we’re inside of a week until Black Friday and shoppers across America are no doubt carb-loading, stretching and mapping out their strategies to…

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October 31, 2014 Why Are Transformative Ideas So Hard To Sell?

  Cries for innovative thinking echo off walls of corporations, hospitals, governments, and schools across our country, but when novel solutions are presented, they are…

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October 9, 2015 Why Challenger Brands Are Perfectly Imperfect

  I like to think of Challenger Brands as perfectly imperfect – and that can work to their advantage. Unlike the established competitors that present…

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We challenge underdog brands to think differently. We help them find their voice, and urge them to blaze new trails to make sure they stand out from the pack. Whether you need an agency of record or support on a project, we are here to help you win.
