
Bark Blog

some thoughts
on the ad biz

July 18, 2011 Netflix has customers seeing red

When does a challenger brand cease to be a challenger brand? Some would say when they stop acting like one. The truth is, the shift…

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July 15, 2011 How Many People Do You Have?

If it’s not the first question I’m asked after telling people I run an advertising agency, it’s the second. “How many people do you have?”…

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April 21, 2011 Focus Made a Monster

At 46-years-old, I’ve aged out of the core audience for stadium supercross, and my taste for carbonated beverages has shifted from sugary sodas to sparkling…

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January 7, 2011 CrossFit: Challenging the Fitness Industry to Pick Up the Pace

How do you create a deeply relevant consumer brand from scratch with no advertising in an extremely crowded and competitive category? One thing is certain:…

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October 12, 2010 HONORING OUR HEROES

As achallenger brand, retail-focused agency, we are constantly looking for better, smarter, more efficient ways for our clients to succeed against bigger companies, bigger budgets…

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September 27, 2010 What Do Your People Say About Your Brand?

People power is where it’s at for challenger brands of all shapes and sizes. Finding, training and keeping people who are enthusiastic about delivering your…

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September 23, 2010 Blockbuster Wasn’t Up to the Challenge

Blockbuster filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy today, putting an official stamp on what had been rumored for months. The move delivers yet another object lesson for…

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September 22, 2010 The Perils of Market Leadership

Growing up, my younger siblings enjoyed the sorts of advantages that often accrue to the benefit of challenger brands. As the oldest kid, I was…

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March 26, 2010 The Season Of The Underdog Is Upon Us

Everyone loves the underdog. The story. The players. The battle. We love it all! And nowhere is the underdog narrative more pronounced, more spectacular, or…

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March 10, 2010 Waking Sleeping Giants with a Game-Changer

Regular BARK readers know well our affinity for the underdog, the challenger brands of the world that make their mark by out-thinking rather than out-spending…

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